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Bal​ance the Nervous System with Tools from Chinese Medicine

Explore the nervous system from the perspective of Chinese Medicine. Discover the energetics of essential oils and how to match them with Acupressure points for a more synergistic healing response.

Bal​ance the Nervous System with Tools from Chinese Medicine
Bal​ance the Nervous System with Tools from Chinese Medicine


May 17, 2025, 9:00 AM PDT – May 18, 2025, 6:00 PM PDT

Seattle, 929 N 130th St, Seattle, WA 98133, USA


Balance the Nervous System with Tools from Chinese Medicine

May 17 and/or 18, 2025, 9:00 am to 6:00 pm each day

Explore the nervous system from the perspective of Chinese Medicine. A tense nervous system is described as Chi Constraint and felt as tension in the bodymind; a weak nervous system, as Chi Deficiency, and experienced as weakness.  This course opens the door to Aroma Acutouch Therapy, combining the potency of essential oils used on Acupressure points to restore balance to the nervous system.

On Day 1 for Chi Constraint: Learn specific Aroma Acutouch Therapy sequences to address the manifestations of a tense nervous system: shoulder-neck tension, headaches, insomnia, digestive tension, or menstrual tension.

Day 2 for Chi Deficiency: Learn Aroma Acutouch Therapy sequences  to address the manifestations of a weak nervous system: fatigue, low immunity, poor concentration, depression, weak digestion or scanty periods.

Therapeutic Training Center in Seattle, WA:

Day 1: May 17, 2025 - Chi Constraint

Day 2: May 18, 2025 - Chi Deficiency

9am to 6pm each day

You can take Day 1 and Day 2 together or separately, and in any order.

8 CE hours for one day and 16 CE hours for both days. 

$170 for one day or $310 for both days. Save $30 by enrolling in both days!


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